Security and safety are two crucial concerns in foreign travel these days, which is why so many people opt for robust, tamperproof bag wrap to protect their luggage. Baggage handlers are under pressure to get bags off and on planes fast, and they can’t see the difference between everyday luggage and your more valuable bags when loading and unloading. So what are the benefits of shrink-wrapping baggage, what are the drawbacks of bag-wrapping your luggage, and when should you utilise a bag-wrapping service?
These machines apply a thick layer of protective plastic film to all types of luggage. It takes less than a minute to completely wrap luggage in plastic cling film. The plastic film is completely recyclable and non-hazardous. It’s very strong and can be stretched over almost any shape of luggage. There is at least one machine at Las Palmas Gran Canaria airport located near the check-in desks in the Departure Hall.
Protect against damage: The guys working in the baggage handling department have a job to do. They need to get all the luggage from the airport into the aircraft as quickly as possible. As a bag passes through the system, shrink-wrap protects it against scratches and scuffs. It prevents fragile luggage or boxes from collapsing or due to a weak fastener/zip, actually opening and spilling all your personal items everywhere. Several layers of wrap protect irregularly shaped things like pushchairs and bicycles, as well as items with protruding parts from damage.
Deters thieves: The bag wrap service available in Gran Canaria airport will not totally deter criminals, but it will act as a deterrent. When a burglar wants to work quickly, -wrap may deter opportunity thefts. Shrink-wrap is a difficult barrier to breach. Someone who is interested in rummaging through a bag in the hopes of finding anything valuable is unlikely to remove it. A thief would choose to target easier items.
Keeps your items together: To save money on baggage costs, two smaller pieces of luggage might be bonded together to count as one checked bag. Alternatively, instead of buying a suitcase, additional items could be placed in bags or boxes and shrink-wrapped together.
The machines are located next to the check-in counters situated in the Departures Hall Floor 1. Check-in 2 and Floor 1. Check-in 3. Each wrapped item costs €10. Tel: (+34) 637 169 770
For further information regarding Baggage and Lost Luggage please read our pages.