Gran Canaria, like much of the rest of Europe, has enacted legislation prohibiting smoking in enclosed public spaces. The 2006 law was reinforced in 2011, and it now applies to LPA Gran Canaria Airport as well. So smoking is only allowed at a designated area or outside the terminal building. Passengers who need a short smoke before a long trip can avail themselves of a large smoking terrace.
The smoking terrace is located with an excellent view of the runway. To locate the terrace you need to go through security. Then after you leave the Duty Free shop you turn left and proceed toward the C12 departure gate. Just after this sign on your left, you will see a flight of stairs. Go up the stairs to the terrace above and the smoking terrace is on the left, overlooking the runway.
The smoking terrace is located with an excellent view of the runway.
Please be aware that, owing to the current health issue, smoking in public in Gran Canaria and the rest of the Canaries is only permitted provided you can maintain a minimum distance of 2 metres from other people.
Smoking at the airport’s toilets is an offense and will send off fire alarms. It will result in a hefty fine, as well as the possibility of missing a flight.
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